Beginning New Work

Today I got back to work with art and started on some new pieces.


To an outsider, (or the mentally unbalanced part of me that feels like I’m a slacker and should get more done), I didn’t really do much. Tangibly, that is true because all I “did” was print out some photos on canvas and cut them out. The canvases and board in the photo were already collaged and painted from earlier work sessions. But, just like almost every time I work, I planted some seeds. Printing and cutting out those photos, then playing around to see how they’d look on the canvases & plywood got the wheels turning for some things I want to try. So, even though it doesn’t look like I did much, I’m pretty stoked.

This is what I love about doing art work first thing in the morning. The rest of the day, I think about what I did and what I can try tomorrow. For the most part, I approach my mixed-media pieces like I do when I work in my journal–I generally have no pre-conceived ideas of what I’m going to do when I start, and I just start working and see where it goes. But, since the mixed-media pieces take longer than just doing a journal spread, and because I work on several pieces at the same time, in different stages, and (try) to work on them every day, I get ideas as I work that can then marinate in my brain later on. Then I can start executing those ideas the next day, but still be open to something completely different happening.

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  1. Love this post. Indeed, the creative mind (and heart) hungers for quiet time, stillness … even occasional “distractions” … to feed the creative process.

  2. yes, i always need that kind of time, there is certain amount of preparation time needed before a fully formed creative offering arrives… you Traci, it may not look like much was done……but we know better……

  3. There is a part of me that thinks I’m a slacker and should get more done too – and I’m a morning person so now I have a day-job there’s nothing much happening Monday to Friday. I just love the idea that the “you’re a slacker” part is mentally unbalanced – certainly it doesn’t help provide any balance in my life!

  4. Traci, you suffer from that midwestern “guilt” just like I do (being from Illinois). However, you are doing things you don’t even know that you’re doing, such as inspiring me..I now own two of your books which have started me down a path of exploration into art journaling. So you see, your contributions are not always evident to you. And to me, you seem as though you accomplish a great deal….especially producing books…..that is such a lot of work just in itself. I love your honesty in your own journals…admitting your fears and hopes and dreams. It’s all rich and deep!

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